5 Best Free Screenshot Apps for Windows

Buffering Bit
2 min readAug 27, 2022

Everybody takes screenshots now and then, while built-in screenshot tools in modern operating systems are pretty bare bones & do not offer any extra functionality. So if you want to take screenshots with modern bells & whistles then you have to pay!, Right? No, wrong! And the crazy thing is people are actually paying, not a one-time fee, but endless subscriptions in order to use those tools. So here are 5 totally FREE screenshot tools for Windows with modern bells & whistles.

5. Snipaste

It’s simple, small & have a lot of features, you can download any of these apps from the links below & test it yourself, but this is how the capture window of Snipaste looks like.


4. Greenshot

This one I would recommend the least, but it get the job done and has built-in basic image editor as mentioned below.


3. Lightshot

It’s also simple, with a lot more features than the snipping tool available in Windows.


2. Flameshot

Relatively new but full of features, Open Source, & Easy to use. Recommended!


1. ShareX

Oh, Boy! it’s powerful, jam-packed with features, open source, & easy to use. This is the best screenshot tool I have ever used on Windows so far. Highly Recommended!


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